Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Angry troll is angry ~X(

What the hell was I thinking when I wanted to download and install Runes of Magic? *headdesk**headdesk**headdesk*

Okay, so the client installation kit takes about 5GB of hard disk space which, of course, takes a rather long time to download. It also takes a long time to install. But I expected to be able to play after installing it.

Wait, what? Play? Just who the hell did I think I was? No sireeee, now we have to update the client. And then update the client. And then UPDATE the client and update the client again. Two hours of UPDATING the client and we're at 81% done. I bet that after this update there will be an UPDATE and then an update and another update until the end of the year.

Why the hell would someone expect the users pay to get the fabled in-game currency (diamonds) in order to give their character a bigger stick after such a loooooooooooong update? I already want to delete my account, this game is boring. What kind of gameplay is this? Sit in front of your PC and stare at the update screen, hoping that the "Start Game" button will become active?

What did I tell you? The update is over. As I guessed, the UPDATE started. Is this game client really downloading? Or is it uploading the entire content of my hard disk to some server on the Moon?

Again, why did I want to try this game? Oh, wait, it says now that the current version is According to the "version.txt" in its "Download" directory, the latest version should be *maniacal laughter*

I think that maybe I'm going to be able to play it before the end of January 2010. Yay Frogster Interactive! NOT!
